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"Gamer" Helps Find New Planet

Thursday, September 29, 2011


This could be one example of the positive results obtained from crowdsourcing are processed in the packaging of the game. The two candidate planets discovered thanks to the foresight of the gamers in playing the Planet Hunters.

Two candidate planet was discovered just one month after the game was officially released. For a while, the two planets are named with the code 10905746 KIC and KIC 6315331. Without visual observations, the conclusion is obtained from data anomalies suspected by 77 players as a potential star as a planet candidate.

Planet Hunters is a web-based games can be played with the purpose of seeking candidates for planets with the sort of light measurement data of more than 150,000 stars in the universe. The game is the result of collaboration with Yale University with Zooniverse using NASA satellite data supplied from the Kepler Mission. Zooniverse itself is a citizen science project that involves all the people to process the data which will also be used for research purposes.

The data will be sorted the players are real data, Kepler satellite emitted in space since 2009. Kepler mission is to retrieve data from the measurement of light in the stars for the possibility of habitable planets like Earth.

According to his official website, they need help from humans to help sort the data by looking for anomalies in the starlight. Tasks that can not be done with optimum by a computer. That's why Planet Hunters project done.

If there are players who suspect there are anomalies in the data is done, they can send signals to the game server. Truth information can be checked by verifying the reports of the other players. Hypothesis about the existence of a new planet candidates can arise when other players are equally reported the same thing.
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