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Instagram Version 2.0 Released | Equipped with 4 Filters Latest

Thursday, September 22, 2011

application, the application ios, apple, instagram, IOS, blackberry, iphone, ipod touch, ios (iphone / blackberry),

Photo-based social networking (plus editing) in the IOS platform, Instagram, has just released the newest version, version 2.0 Instagram. In addition to logos and refreshment user interface (UI), there are a number of additional technical granted by Burbn Inc.., As the developer Instagram, to further spoil its users.

Among the technical aspects of getting the update is diperkenalnya four new filters. The fourth filter is interesting Amaro, Rise, Hudson, and Valencia. In making this filter, Instagram working with Cole Rise is one of the very popular Instagram users. Cole Rise is a photographer and designer who also works as a pilot. Instagram likely will continue to enhance collaboration with third parties for the addition of a filter as its flagship feature. It is not possible will have collaboration with Indonesia Instagrammer who have knowledge about it.
In Instagram v2.0, the developer also introduces a new feature, namely Live filters. Unlike previous versions where you as the user should take a picture and put a new filter. With this new feature, you can directly apply the in-app filters through his camera. And after taking a photo, you can still menggonta-replace filters, even returning to a normal image without a filter alias.

In addition there are also features Instant tilt-shift. With this feature, You will be able to perform selective blur 100 times faster than previous versions. This feature can also be used to get the DoF (depth of field) that is more captivating.

Another development is the increasing size of images supported by Instagram. Earlier in the standard size is 612 × 612 Instagram pixels. With the updates in this latest version, Instagram supports image sizes of up to 1936 x 1936 pixels for the iPhone 4 and 1536 × 1536 pixels on the iPhone 3G. Certainly be very attractive if later edits photos Instagram molded into high-resolution photos or be used as computer wallpaper / tablets you.
Applications Instagram v2.0 supports devices that use IOS 4.2.1 and above. In other words, products that can support this application is the iPhone 4, iPhone 3G, iPod touch third and fourth generation, iPad 2, and the iPad.

With the release of this latest version, is certainly a remarkable achievement for a developer based in San Francisco, which so far only guarded by six employees. Currently users have to Instagram 10 million people and has more than 150 million photos uploaded. Unfortunately, this application has not been present on platforms other than IOS. Had heard the news that the developer will present Instagram applications on the Android platform. However, it has not materialized. Will the application be present on Android? We'll wait its development
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