Modifications: Chopper India from Borneo
When you catch a glimpse of this bike surely you would think that this is an American chopper motorcycle. Eits, wait a minute. Take a look at more detail. This is because the Indian motorcycle that changed its way into a motor 'American Style.'
"This bike TVS Apache," open doubles the gush Gadurga this bike.
Doubles went on to explain that TVS Apache Indian who is a motor home is designed, planned and worked directly in his workshop located in the city of Pontianak, Borneo.
On the island of Borneo, the chopper-style American Indian is carefully designed according to the Ganda. Design of the motor body is made like American chopper motorcycle, tank design is rounded off to the side towards the stern.
"For material, we use fiber," he added.
Dual fiber was chosen because according to ease of manufacture. In addition, the fiber, with the team that made him able to express freely. Various parts of this motor body thinks designed with similar materials.
"In fact, we just do not wear tank metal plate, but the fiber. Fiber that we use in the tank deliberately made very thick to safety. So when an accident is not easy to leak," he explained.
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